A Callback: It Is What It Is!
It Is What It Is: One Month Later The improvisational art and poetry project IIWII Project has evolved a lot in the last 5 weeks since I did my first post on it It Is What It Is. First off, they have...
View ArticleIIWII. Pure Artistic Evolution!
IIWII The Trifecta! And back we go for the third time, to one of my favorite modern (and currently active) Art projects/collaborations! This is another look at what’s been going on over at the IIWII...
View ArticleFrom Culturemob.com: Wiscon, Pushing and Pulling at Seattle’s Musical Boundaries
Aaron Morgan’s (Artist of the IIWII Project) is one busy bee. Besides IIWII, he’s got an blog Art-Bullshit-Music (or ABM, he’s a big fan of initials apparently) and a band–Wiscon– Here’s an interview...
View ArticleThe Incomparable: IIWII PROJECT! If You Haven’t Seen It Yet…You’re Missing Out!
I’ve done posts on this project in the past. Three to be exact. And every time I say something like “…I absolutely love watching the daily/weekly/monthly progression and evolution of this artistic...
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